Saturday, September 30, 2006

We are all content in our enslavement, not even that, we LOVE it!

Friday, September 15, 2006

After watching Aaron Russo's superb and informative documentary, AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM, which for some obscure reason, maybe its just a coincidence;), is not available here in AUSTRALIA, I was horrified to hear firstly the information that he presented with regards to Income Tax but also with regards to a national ID card and microchipping of citizens.
Secondly though I was more horrified to hear how simple his proposed solution was to put a stop to this 'plan', which since he had now exposed, was doomed to fail if citizens like you and I became, 'disobedient' to civil laws!
Is he for real, or what?
Did he not realise that 'The Gentlemen' who run this show, we call life, are SO powerful that even his own movie would not have seen the light of day if they had not allowed it, restricted as its distribution and marketing has been.
This cartel of world leaders must be trembling in their boots, well shoes, to hear Aaron's call for 'civil disobedience'.
OR are they merely giggling to themselves as we, like the spontaneous fools that we are have failed to see that this movie is merely another one of their tools, unwitting as Mr. Russo may have been.
You see clearly he has opened up a Pandora's Box and in doing so may have failed to think through the final repercussion of his actions in exposing this material to the general populace who may not indeed be ready to deal with such information regarding the entire structure of their lives, this veritable MATRIX!
So they sign up to his cause, or even donate to it, GREAT!
then what....then, they present themselves as obvious enemies and therefore targets and ultimately food, to the powers that be!
Thats right, there are no two ways about it.
This knee jerk reaction by the people who watch this movie, would be exactly what these masters of misery, these sinister servants of Satan, had in mind to wean out the troublesome, the firestarters the terrorists, which is what they have made themselves by declaring openly their hostility to the governing Fascist regime, and its leaders!
Wake UP! The battle is NOT that simple, action like this can come to nothing! only more misery and death.
Congratulations on the movie, Aaron, but be careful some cancers aren't always treatable!

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